bio – Samet Oymak
I am an assistant professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. My research lies at the confluence of machine learning, optimization, and statistics. Previously, I was an assistant professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of California, Riverside. I completed my undergraduate education at Bilkent University in 2009. I received my MS and PhD degrees from Caltech (in 2011 and 2015). My PhD advisor is Babak Hassibi. Before joining UCR, I worked at The Voleon Group and Google. I was also a also a postdoctoral scholar at UC Berkeley hosted by Ben Recht and The Simons Institute. You can find my CV here.
Selected recognitions:
- NSF CAREER award (2021)
- Google Research Scholar award (2022)
- Amazon Research award (2024)
- Adobe Data Science Research award (2023)
- Simons-Berkeley Research Fellowship
- Caltech’s Wilts Prize for PhD thesis
Selected Service:
- Associate Editor: Transactions on Signal Processing
- Area Chair: NeurIPS (Senior AC), ICLR, ICML, AAAI, AISTATS
- Senior Area Chair: NeurIPS